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Ac vs Vng

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Was really happy with the way the fight went and thought you guys did a great job finding and sticking to piles. VnG rushed in and we quickly picked off our first call, only to find ourself caught in a massive barrage pile whilst being chinned in a single spell only fight.  Nevertheless we quickly rebounded and began picking off their magers one bang by one bang, and then clearing out their nig rangers. The fight lasted about 45 minutes and each and everyone of you who died returned quickly and fully geared for the duration of the fight. Spears were on point. Styles were on point. Freezes were on point. Even Speedy's calling was somewhat on point. Overall I thought again this was a simple display of how when everyone listens and does what their supposed to do, we can keep up with the best of them opt for opt. Great job tonight fellas.






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no chins part 1.png

no chins 2 .png

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vng dying .png

ending we win .png

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