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Everything posted by Suubs

  1. Pinned @ the applications section bro
  2. GF ZT S/o to the small squad who was there + the callers
  3. Lol i was high council in SB I knew you were a rank within their structure. Lately they have been slumping and it seems to be getting worse. To me it seems they are following the footsteps of sv shit shit shit shit by becoming a hated clan. That puts lots of pressure and criticism on the clan. There are other clans that are terrible but SB seems to attempt to put their hands into everything. It could be caused by a restructuring, new leaders, or outside influences. We may never know. When they started the pvp scene I felt like they had potential, but something clicked and they fell out of my graces. If Lucas was their leader and not shawn (SB onyx) I think the clan would have alot more potential, but they may or may not have dug them selves a grave in the wild anyways. Their choices of allies have let them down a lot and have caused them to lose a lot of respect in the clan world, whoevers decision it was to do so has jeopardised the ability of the clan advancing imo.
  4. Good job guys, warred for almost 3 Hours, Shoutout to SB for calling like 3 clans lmfao
  5. Good job guys, Good job callers
  6. 'Players will no longer sea the trident of the see during the charge animation for the trident of the swamp' Sick one Jagex
  7. Myself and a few friends were pking @ calisto and found JAJA who outnumbered us, we dipped to single and started a beautiful B Pile. 4 Prayer pots/restores left... Hmm looks like Red D'Hide isn't strong enough
  8. Sell the bands boots/fury and buy a whip and some torags and do some wyverns bro; alternatively buy a trident and do some Zulrah. Gl on rebuild ps: Secure your account with Jagex Authenticator; no-one should be getting hacked in 2k15
  9. Nice one bud, gl on rebuild
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