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  1. Cheers aha just training now got like no money doe ahahah combats only 87 atm
  2. I'm Pretty sure Chase was the one who banned me on ts Thank you Means a lot
  3. http://imgur.com/a/9QiWY This has proof of me having Rangers213 all the way back in 2014 Before DMM was even known it has 6 images with all dates before dmm , Hope i could get into the clan as I really have loved being in this clan and hope to be in it in the further future. -Max If anything else is needed please reply Thank you
  4. Well, can I not be made an ac guest and unbanned for 27years? What clan bans someone for 27years based on no evidence and speculation of spying and not having the 07 requirement??
  5. I was inactive during the non-dmm periods. I've mainly come for DMM as I don't have the requirement for 07. I'd be happy to get the 110CB and reapply for intro when I have time but I have no idea why I'm being banned for 27years for being a 'spy' when all I want to do is be in the clan. There was literally no evidence to support it and it was based on one member claiming it because of my past name (Rangers213), I changed it to Rangers123 upon request and it is now R4NG3RS. I feel as if I deserve to be treated with more respect. I wasn't even questioned just randomly banned.
  6. I got wrongfully Banned from TS for 27 years as well as my intro rank was taken away. , I was accused of being a spy for TATA even though no evidence was shown, Last season by coincidence my name was Rangers213 (and has been that since I started RS on 07) This situation occurred and I changed my name happily to Rangers123 as I was kindly told to so I obliged then I have been in the clan ever since until around 2 days ago when I was wrongfully kicked for no reason, I hope I can further join the clan and become a part of AC again. Since then I Have changed my name from Rangers123 to R4NGERS For any inconvenience. - Thank you and if someone could help me out it would be much appreciated.
  7. Its Stupid This Shouldn't be aloud at all.
  8. it sucks if clanned they should divided it or something like that not exactly fair to be honest
  9. Blue dragons are good but pkers have been there alot recently, My advice would do chaos druids or even train a profitable skill like Thieving or Woodcutting for example as the risk factor can go all the way to 0. Aswell doing skills gets you more total level so if your aiming for the top 2k it will help alot and good luck with DMM
  10. Gains look amazing Man Keep up the great Work!
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