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Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Richworth

  1. I can switch pretty easy. Also you can enable hotkeys with osbuddy. I use f1-5 keys for switches
  2. Haha I know :p. Dayuum guuurl, dat loot is fine tho!
  3. #1 slayer. Really need to get that going up....
  4. Pretty logic imo xD. Anyone can say "yh im part of rot or ac dont kill me" Too bad tho :/
  5. And that's the reason people kill low lvls, MULES MULES MULES!
  6. Pking with bone xbow... Kinda ruins the image of AC imo
  7. Ofc, this is the only legit screenshot you need for #1 brid
  8. Row only works for rare drop table ( dragon sq left half etc...)
  9. Is it possible to donate with an unverified paypal acc. I dont have a credit card
  10. I got the req's just not enough power to solo ro duo it. With a team would be the best
  11. Also how do you people live like that up.side down? Can't imagine how hard that would be.
  12. I'm also doing hunter for muneey, does it pretty good 2m+ per day if u camp imps
  13. Yes I live pvming alot. Since bosses like sara/ arma arent that hard to range against in a team it should be playable.
  14. It could be real if he transferred alot of his money to dmm which I doubt...
  15. WTF was he thinking lol... I would wait for buying a dbow since it's crashing alot.
  16. They really should at least give a warning before you skull on somone in guarded areas imo....
  17. This is just spam lol.... remove plz
  18. Probably halo, the witcher, fallout will be a good game for the xbox 1
  19. Gamecube all the way. We do it alot with friends and making a drinking game out of it: Finish your beer before you reach the finish. Pretty competetive but not really on your lvl tho haha.
  20. You can still have a big clan without mass recruiting tho, just what ac is doing. No random noobs who just want to do it for their own banks.
  21. 4 cbs = 4 days work ;o? damn you slow
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